Vision and Mission
Shakti Shalini’s educational enhancement program encapsulates the diverse range of internships and volunteerships offered by the organisation. Each internship and volunteership is personalised and individualised to compliment the needs of and available opportunities at the organization with the skills and strengths of the candidate. The vision of the program is to train and nurture interns and volunteers, with a priority on youth, to understand the challenges and complexities of addressing gender and sexual violence at the grassroots within the Indian context. It is our hope to qualitatively deepen the practical, theoretical, and emotional understanding of young people upon the subjects of gender and violence so that tomorrow they may be the champions of gender equality, zero tolerance to violence, and build a world of greater safety, solidarity, and sensitivity.
Who can apply to volunteer/ intern at Shakti Shalini?
Absolutely anybody irrespective of educational qualifications, work experience, or skill set. University students mandated to complete field internships as a part of their course requirements may apply for an internship. Young people of any academic/ professional background who wish to work with us independently may apply either to our internship/volunteership. While building youth leadership is central to the educational enhancement program, we are open to interns and volunteers within any age bracket. Applicants marginalised along the lines of gender, sexuality, disability, class, caste, tribe, religion, region, educational and economic opportunities, are encouraged to join our educational enhancement program. All we require is a commitment to put in the work to boost the organization and an aspiration to create a world of gender equality.
Application/ Selection Process
Step one: Send a mail to expressing your interest in volunteering or interning with us. The mail must include the following:
- Updated CV
- Cover Letter describing why you wish to work towards gender equality and how you think you can contribute to the cause with a specific focus on the programs and projects of Shakti Shalini.
- A letter of affiliation/ reference from your educational institution (only applicable to interns/volunteers applying as a part of formal courses)
Children of adult survivors connected to Crisis Intervention and Counselling Centre covering pan India. - The mail must specify whether you wish to work with Shakti Shalini as an intern or as a volunteer. Please provide details, if possible, regarding your estimated duration/hours of work, and any other specific requirements you would like us to keep in mind regarding your work preferences.
Step two: Interview (In-person / Skype for outstation applicants)
Important Note: We highly recommend a study of our website and social media prior to making an application. Shakti Shalini reserves the right to reject a candidate at any step of the selection process. The selection process of interns and volunteers will be conducted by the Honorary Strategic Manager. Our application process is open across the year.
What happens after selection?
Orientation: Each selected intern or volunteer will meet the Honorary Strategic Manager for an orientation. Based on the application process, other team members may also be present at the meeting. The intern/ volunteer will be provided an overview of the organisation’s history, vision, and programs, followed by an interactive conversation to assess the skills/ strengths/interests of the intern/ volunteer and match them with the available opportunities and needs of the organization
Mentor/Point of Contact Allocation: Based on the results of the orientation, the Honorary Strategic Manager will allot a mentor/ point of contact to the intern/ volunteer. Every intern/ volunteer will be allotted a mentor. The intern/volunteer and their respective mentor will together agree upon a work plan and reporting system.The mentor will remain the primary contact person and guide for the intern/ volunteer through the course of the internship/volunteership. Open and transparent communication is expected between the intern/ volunteer and mentor.
What makes a Shakti Shalini internship/ volunteership unique?
We recognise that interns and volunteers are often exploring their interests and preferences within the social sector and the different activities of an organisation. Thus, our internships/volunteerships are not rigid. We encourage interns to communicate openly with their respective mentor about their growing interests and any new ideas or suggestions that may be incorporated during the course of their internship. There is ample room for creativity and innovation. We want the experience to remain explorative, focused on enhancement of knowledge and skills, as well as self-discovery. We hope to learn from the intern as much!
What is the difference between an internship and volunteership?
Internships at Shakti Shalini are relatively stricter, requiring greater time contribution, and physical presence on field. They have greater compulsory components and stricter reporting systems. All interns are provided mentors. Volunteerships at Shakti Shalini have greater flexibility in terms of incorporating the time schedules, preferences, and logistical needs of the volunteer. Volunteerships can also be work from home. Most youth volunteers are usually allotted mentors but some volunteers, based on the nature of their contribution, may simply be allotted a primary point of contact. The reporting systems for volunteers are kept very flexible and are dependent entirely on the nature of the volunteership.
Quick look at an internship at Shakti Shalini
Shakti Shalini’s internships are intensive and demanding, requiring the focus and complete commitment of the interns.
Compulsory activities for each intern:
- Orientation of each project with it’s concerned coordinator.
- One community visit, one Shelter visit, one Kushalta Vikas Kendra Visit, one Crisis Intervention and Counseling visit.
- Minimum of one team activity.
- Minimum of one individual project.
- Regular reporting based on the system determined between the intern and mentor.
- Final feedback to the organisation.
Compulsory activities for each intern:
Every intern will be provided a certificate that will detail the dates of the internships, the broad tasks completed, as well as the work ethic displayed by the intern. We trust our interns to work with us with commitment and honesty. Any intern who fails to deliver upon their commitments will find the same reflected in the certificate.
Some activities conducted by past interns
- Gender/legal/health awareness sessions.
- Dance/music/theatre/art and craft sessions.
- Community mobilization.
- Assisting survivors in accessing support services.
- Generating reports.
- Making case studies.
- Collecting base-line.
- Content generation.
- Social media awareness campaigns.
- Fundraising.
Shakti Shalini does not provide paid internships.
Key points for university curriculum mandated internships
- Interns who wish to conduct their field experience at Shakti Shalini as a part of their university curriculum requirements must also follow the same application process outlined above. They must include a letter of affiliation/ reference from the university within their documentation. They will also have to clear both selection steps and will be informed accordingly regarding whether or not they have been selected.
- Interns coming through university requirements will also receive the minimum level of exposure to each of Shakti Shalini’s ongoing projects via one orientation and one visit per project.
- Each intern will be allotted a mentor at Shakti Shalini.
- The reporting system of university mandated interns at Shakti Shalini will incorporate the reporting requirements and formats of the concerned university as well as the organisation.
- The priorities laid out by the intern’s curriculum/ professors/ university will also be the priority of Shakti Shalini and the Honorary Strategic Manager and concerned mentor will ensure that the internship work plan focussed on the course requirements of the intern.
Quick look at a volunteership at Shakti Shalini
Shakti Shalini appreciates and acknowledges the contribution of time and skills by its volunteers. Our volunteerships are flexible and accommodative of the volunteer’s time availability and frequency based on which the type, quantity, and nature of work is determined. We are open to various modalities of volunteering ranging from regular field impact to work from home depending on the nature of the work and the skills of the volunteer. A volunteership may evolve and grow over time as the volunteer understand the work of the organisation in more depth, builds their own expertise, and identifies their key interests and strengths. We trust our volunteers to bring commitment and passion to the organisation and reflect the same in all their work. Shakti Shalini considers it a key goal of the organisation to build and foster a culture of volunteering in India.
Recommended activities (not compulsory)
- An individual orientation of each project overseen by the concerned coordinators.
- One community visit, one crisis intervention and counselling visit, one shelter home visit, one Kushalta Vikas Kendra visit.
Reporting and Feedback
Reporting is determined mutually between the volunteer and concerned mentor. A minimum of a quarterly feedback is expected from the volunteer.
Certification is not assumed but Shakti Shalini is happy to provide certificates to volunteers. Volunteers are required to inform their mentor two weeks in advance if they require a certificate.
Some activities conducted by past volunteers:
- Theatre/music/dance/photography/art and craft/creative writing workshops or ongoing classes.
- Movie screenings.
- Storytelling.
- Lunch/ dinner party.
- Outdoor activity.
- Legal/health/gender sensitisation.
- Group therapy/ legal aid/ health aid (in the case of professionally qualified volunteers).
- Content generation such as photography/videography/brochure/pamphlets/annual reports.
- Writing articles/ poetry, case narratives for the blog.
- Social media awareness campaigns.
- Fundraising.
- Networking
Educational Enhancement, Shakti Shalini’s current partners include
- TATA Institute of Social Sciences, Guwahati
- Department of Social Work, University of Delhi
- Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi
- Department of Social Work, Jamia Millia Islamia University
- Department of Gender studies, Jamia Millia Islamia University
- Department of Gender Studies, Ambedkar University
- Department of Social Work, Indira Gandhi Open University
- Heritage Xperiential Learning School, Gurgaon
Academic Institutions:
- Metropolitan Education Society, Noida
Educational Institutions:
- Athena Education, Gurgaon
We are always open to new partnerships. If you are an education based institution looking to partner with a grassroots organization, please write to us on any of the following email IDs:
Let’s make education more informed, more responsible, responsive and more sensitive!